“Frozen – The Musical” is a stage adaptation of the 2013 Disney animated film “Frozen”. The musical premiered on Broadway in March 2018 and features music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, who also wrote the songs for the original film. The book for the musical is written by Jennifer Lee, who wrote and co-directed the film.
The story of “Frozen – The Musical” follows the same basic plot as the film, with some changes and additions to better suit the stage. It tells the story of two sisters, Elsa and Anna, who are princesses in the kingdom of Arendelle. Elsa has magical powers that allow her to control ice and snow, but after accidentally injuring Anna with her powers as children, Elsa becomes afraid of hurting her sister and isolates herself from others.
As adults, Elsa’s powers are revealed to the kingdom during her coronation ceremony, and she flees the kingdom in fear, causing eternal winter to descend upon Arendelle. Anna sets out to find her sister and bring her back, meeting a rugged iceman named Kristoff, his reindeer Sven, and a cheerful snowman named Olaf along the way.
The musical features new songs, as well as beloved songs from the film, including “Let It Go,” “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?,” and “For the First Time in Forever.” The production also includes elaborate sets and costumes, special effects, and impressive choreography.
Overall, “Frozen – The Musical” is a family-friendly and heartwarming show that captures the magic of the original film while adding new elements to create a unique and unforgettable theatrical experience.